How it works:
Offer your customers a flexible payment solution, easy as 1, 2, 3.
(1) Use the Tua Direct portal to send your invoice
(2) Your customer receives the invoice via text & then completes an application in minutes
(3) Once approved, you are sent the invoice funds right away & TuaPay handles the rest!

Help more customers by offering them flexible payments

Available for use immediately after sign up

Risk Free: Tua manages all credit and repayment risk

No ongoing fees

Cancel anytime

Great support
Sign Up Today
What customers are saying.
"We've had a customer who needed extensive work to be completed and fast. She was having some issues
getting the funds together as quickly as she needed, but with Tua, she was able to complete the work
completely and not have to stress waiting for funds, or putting off what she needed to have done and it
potentially getting worse for her!"
Anthony C
“I sent our customer an invoice explained TuaPay, she clicked a couple times and then texted me saying it was
super easy and thanks for making it seamless and possible for her.”
Anne M
“Thank you Tua for all your help, our customers are excited to have you as a financial option.”
Jennifer D